Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Keep my Heart Alive"

I know there is a lot of debate out there, especially among Catholics, as to the merit of Contemporary Christian/Praise and Worship/mainstream Christian music. This little debate, at least from what I've noticed, is mainly a generational one: the youth love it and the wise and experienced, at the very least, strongly dislike it. Now, being somewhere in the middle, a young adult if you will, I am a firm believer that Christian music has its purposes, and is best used in certain situations. I love listening to Christian music mainly because there are some very gifted Christian (and Catholic, though less) artists out there, and they put lyric and harmony to my feelings that I could not have done as eloquently. However, I really don't like the use of contemporary Christian music in the liturgy. I know, the teen population out there will say that they love their Christian music during their Teen Masses because they're more likely to sing along. The problem with that is that there are very few Catholic artists out there. And the ones that do exist do not always right generation-appropriate liturgical music. So during these Teen Masses, the youth are loving it, and the rest of us are kind of cringing in our seats. I think the same goes for trying to "youth-ify" existing liturgical music, such as the responsorial psalms. Of course, that's not to say that I love hearing polyphony and a capella during every Mass, although I do for the Extraordinary Form. But for my Ordinary Form Mass, I like some of the more traditional hymns, particularly the ones I can sing to. Despite personal preferences in musical taste, I believe it is important for the congregation to participate in the singing. In my humble opinion, there are few things that sound better in this world than an entire church full of people singing "Sing of Mary" or "Christ Be Our Light". As my youth minister used to say, "singing is like praying twice...give back your God-given voice, to God". So I guess what I'm saying is that Christian music in all its forms is for the sole purpose of glorifying God, singing him praise and thanksgiving. How can such music not be beautiful? Again, despite generations and personal tastes, Christian music can be heavenly, and each type serves a different purpose.

Now before I digress further, let me get to the point of this post. I was walking to a meeting with my advisor this morning, listening to Pandora on my Droid X. My Pandora rarely leaves my Christian music station, and I am a firm believer that sometimes the Lord will speak to you through song. I was feeling particularly...dejected this morning. I had so much on my mind: my future, my present, my past, and all of it was fighting for control of my thoughts. Should I go to med school? Should I join the seminary? What should I be doing? I was also thinking, as pseudo-intellectual college students do, about the world. Friends, allow me to be blunt...there is a lot of crap going on in the world. And its not just the world, I mean, just look at our Holy Mother Church. We have so many problems going on in it at the moment, it is being attacked both from the outside and the inside. It's just a lot to think about, especially if deep in your heart, you want to be able to do something about it all. I'm just a college student, but it is absolutely exhausting thinking about all of this. It is easy to see why so many people become jaded in college. I was just feeling overwhelmed...and empty. But then this song came on Pandora, and it was as if God was trying to tell me something.

I know some of you will snicker or roll your eyes. There is not much purely Catholic contemporary music out there, the majority of genre is dominated by Protestant artists. But that does not mean what they have to say or sing is any less pertinent to a devout Catholic. Now this song that I am starting to love does not have any deep theology or heavy introspection. I think it is just trying to say what many people are feeling...what I was feeling. So no matter what your opinions are, no matter your taste in music, contemporary Christian music does have a purpose in this world, and to many people. At the risk of sounding relativistic (which I'm not by the way), if it brings people closer to God, how is that a bad thing?

The song is Keep my Heart Alive by Sanctus Real. And while I did not do away with all my overwhelming feelings of emptiness or exhaustion, it did serve to remind me of one thing: that no matter, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me".

Hope you enjoy the song.

The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, 

and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’
-Numbers 6: 24-26

Dominus vobiscum.

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